Connect-X Warehouse DaaS
Digital Twin of Physical Warehouse
Connect-X Warehouse DaaS is Powered by a range of Active and Passive Data Acquisition Equipment physically installed within warehouse and configured to provide real-time data from the warehouse floor that enables two kinds of Dashboards.
Executive Dashboard
Operations Dashboard
Warehouse DaaS designed to capture data required for Warehouse Digital Twin. Enables domain specialists, application developers and WMS companies with IoT DATA that is essential to bring up Dashboards with real-time ALERTS tracking warehouse KPI’s and Workflows, Predictive Performance Analytics and AI/ML driven Warehouse Management (Reducing Human Dependency). DaaS is envisioned to be single source of true DATA about WAREHOUSE Operations with REAL TIME tracking data of WORKERS, MHE, INVENTORY, ZONES and ENERGY CONSUMPTION. DaaS supports integration with major WMS providers for efficient and seamless real-time operational intelligence.
Connect-X Warehouse DaaS is provided in a Secure, highly optimized deployment framework that gives instant Cost Saving and high ROI to the Warehouse Owners, System Integrators (SI) and ISV's who can now focus on core domain specific challenges instead dealing with IoT Sensors, Gateway, Reader hardware equipment, firmware and platforms.
Connect-X Warehouse DaaS handles complexity relating IoT Devices, Device Management, Device Data Security and Data Compliance and provides DATA in it's purest form so you kick start your Digital Warehouse Project within a few weeks.

Key Benefits
Cost Reduction
Warehouse DaaS includes design, Installation and commissioning of IoT Infrastructure and enabling required DATA from the IoT System as per agreed and pre-defined SLA. This reduces cost of device procurement, installation and greatly reduces spend on related cloud services while ensuring that the business retains focus on its key goals.
Productivity Improvement
Producutivity Improvement is one of key goals for Digitalization of Warehouse, the data enabling the system needs to be carefully curated for accuracy, privacy and compliance. Warehouse DaaS is desgined for high reliability backed by SLA's.
Asset Tracking
Warehouse Asset (MHE) impact the operational readiness and order processing. Effective utilization of the MHE and on-time maintenance demands movement or activity tracking. There may be additional spend even when MHE are in repair. Warehouse DaaS include Sensor attached to MHE to tracks the movement 24/7.
Zone Monitoring
Warehouse DaaS allows creation of zones and monitoring activity within each zone as required. Often, warehouse management may decide to change the rack layout or goods placement based on client requirement. Data allows not just tracking actvity but also configured to monitor access to specific areas or zones within.
Worker Safety & Near Miss
Warehouse DaaS provides worker attendance and In/Out movement data using a sensor attached to worker (Example - Safety Helmet with RFID). Often, safety is primary concern when the system can trigger alerts based on events generated. Also includes several Near Miss event triggers based on warehouse profile.
IoT Infrastructure
Depending on the Warehouse DATA need, Connect-X Warehouse DaaS may be deployed for Passive, Active or Hybrid IoT Infrastructure. Please reach out to us for more details.