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Connect-X Hospital DaaS

Improve operational efficiency and patient experience 

Connect-X Hospital Data As A Service (DaaS)

Hospitals thinking of Digital Transformation are often worried about capital expense and technology complexity of tracking PEOPLE (Staff, In-Patient, Out Patient), ASSET, INVENTORY, ZONE, VEHICLE and UTILITY Consumption. 

Monitoring hospital network infrastructure involves several technologies leading to complexity. Connect-X Hospital DaaS involves installation of medically approved IoT Devices and Sensors to track people, vehicle, asset and inventory. Once enabled, management can utilize data to bring up a comprehensive dashboard to Monitor Vehicles, Patients entry and exit along with real-time tracking of essential equipment extending to real-time Alerts, Analytics, Predictive Resource Planning or AI/ML Strategy .

Staff connected to cloud based People Tracking System will automate attendance without a need for physical intervention, Petient Movement, Daily, weekly & monthly reports can be generated for tracking data. Monitoring corridors for maximum capacity.

Hospital IoT

Key Benefits

Cost Reduction

Hospital DaaS includes design, Installation and commissioning of IoT Infrastructure and enabling required DATA from the IoT System as per agreed and pre-defined SLA. This reduces cost of devices procurement, installation and greatly reduces spend on related cloud services while ensuring that the business retains focus on its key goals.

Productivity Improvement

Producutivity Improvement is one of key goals for Digitalization of a Hospital. The activity data enables the system with critical information to manage patient flow and bring visibility into staff activities. Data need to be carefully curated for accuracy, privacy and compliance. Hospital DaaS is desgined for high reliability and SLA's. 

Asset Tracking

Hospital Asset / equipment availability impacts the operational readiness and patient life at times. Effective utilization of the life saving equipment demands location tracking and movement. There may be additional metrics relating periodic maintenance. Hospital DaaS provides Sensor to be attached to the Asset which helps track the movement 24/7.

Patient Location Monitoring

Hospital DaaS allows creation of zones within the hospital and monitoring the          In-patient / Out-Patient movement. Often, managers require the data to plan resource allocation in the zones. Data allows not just tracking actvity in hospital physically but also configured to monitor safety and security.

Health Monitoring

Hospital DaaS provides interface to HIMS to capture patient specific details using a Mobile terminal to ensure medication and medical history data is available during emergencies. Utilizing Barcode, NFC enables paper less update of medical data to the patient records along with the Diagnostic Data.

IoT Infrastructure

Depending on the hospital DATA needs, Connect-X Hospital DaaS can be configured and deployed for Passive, Active or Hybrid IoT Infrastructure. Please reach out to us for more details.

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